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Home insurance calculator


Get ready to experience the future of insurance calculation with our amazing home insurance calculator! This cutting-edge tool, created for our customer HUK24, takes your email engagement to a whole new level and maximises your conversion. Get ready by this incredible experience!


Our home insurance calculator aims to reduce the abandonment rate in HUK24’s online calculator by providing a seamless insurance calculation process and thereby increasing the conversion rate with fewer clicks. With a unique, interactive email approach, it efficiently guides potential customers through the purchase process.

Try it for yourself - Click through this interactive email


HUK24’s online calculator can only be used to calculate an insurance premium if the living space of the property in question is known. This is a challenge that HUK24 must address. Many potential customers abandon the online calculator for home insurance because they do not know the exact size of their apartment or house by heart. This crucial information is often missing, leading to frustrated customers abandoning the calculator. Consequently, HUK24 faces high cancellation rates, hindering contract opportunities and jeopardising long-term customer loyalty. To overcome this challenge and streamline the process for users, HUK24 had to develop strategies to collect the necessary data more efficiently.


In collaboration with HUK24, mailix has developed an innovative home insurance calculator that solves the problem of abandoned enquiries via the HUK24 home insurance online calculator. Our solution is the best way for users to enter the size of their home directly into the email, resulting in a personalised and accurate insurance calculation in the HUK24 online calculator. If the users do not know their living space, they can simply use the interactive living space calculator in the email to estimate the approximate living space based on the number and size of rooms. The gamification effect boosts engagement and makes the process simple for the user.
This advanced home insurance calculator offers numerous benefits. The user-friendly design leads to higher satisfaction rates, as prospects receive tailored quotes quickly and easily. A personalised approach increases the likelihood of a sale. Offers are tailored to the individual needs of the user. Furthermore, insurance providers can leverage this optimised process to collect invaluable data on living preferences and insurance needs, which is crucial for developing effective future marketing strategies.
In today’s digital age, our home insurance calculator is the insurance industry’s answer to the challenges it faces. This cutting-edge solution combines interactivity, ease of use and accurate calculations to engage customers and meet their needs in a targeted way, giving insurance providers a decisive advantage. HUK24 is taking a decisive step towards gaining an advantage in the highly competitive insurance sector and raising customer satisfaction to a new level by implementing this tool.
Furthermore, the home insurance calculator allows us to collect feedback continuously and optimise the tool to meet changing customer needs. This innovative solution will increase your conversion rates, build long-term customer relationships and continuously improve your service.
Let mailix take you into an exciting new era of efficient and customer-oriented insurance calculation with our home insurance calculator! Immerse yourself in innovative solutions that exceed your expectations and change the way you interact with potential customers in the digital insurance landscape.

KPIs & Benefits

  • Mid-double digit increase in CTR and conversions: The interactive, gamified approach reduces abandonment rates and increases the number of completed insurance calculations.

  • Improved user experience and engagement: Thanks to the interactive living space calculator in the email, the user receives valuable support right at the beginning of their user journey, which increases satisfaction and trust in your brand.

  • More accurate insurance calculations: By entering specific data, more precise and better informed decisions can be made, which leads to higher customer satisfaction.

  • Positioning the brand as innovative and customer-oriented: Using an interactive and user-friendly tool sets your brand apart from the competition and shows your commitment to providing first-class customer service.

  • Storage of click data: By storing click data in your email delivery system, effective remarketing campaigns can be carried out.

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